by Jonathan Manafo | Mar 28, 2017 | events
This Sunday we are receiving your kits or your donation. What we collect will go to help people in war-torn countries.
Please bring what you’ve purchased in a reusable shopping bag. More info can be found at To donate funds, either fill out an offering envelope this Sunday or give through our online link and note ‘Relief Kit’ in the message box.
Thank you in advance for joining with us to help others.

by Jonathan Manafo | Mar 21, 2017 | Sunday Conversations
Another great conversation this past weekend. If you’d like a recap of the video, go HERE.
For small group discussion notes, go HERE.
by Jonathan Manafo | Mar 14, 2017 | Sunday Conversations
For a recap or a the full video of this past weekend’s talk, go HERE!!!
For small group notes, go HERE.
See you Sunday for the third talk. Remember to be thinking about how you want to respond to our Relief Kit Campaign.
by Jonathan Manafo | Mar 9, 2017 | events
We are looking for a Communications Administrator. A person who can do some communications and some administration. This is a part-time role, 10-15 hours per week.
For more info, please contact or phone 905-903-0083.
Posting found here… administrative role
We are also potentially hiring 1-2 students this summer. Once the grants are confirmed, we will know for certain. If you’d like to inquire sooner, don’t hesitate to contact us.
by Jonathan Manafo | Mar 8, 2017 | Sunday Conversations

VIDEO LINK (you’ll also find a shorter recap on this link)
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (go to home group questions for small group discussion)