Each week we will be providing “Take Homes” for you to use to continue the discussion at home with your kids. They will be available on our website and sent out in the weekly recap emails. So keep your eyes peeled for those!
An administrative reminder that we are redoing/updating our registration at The Park. Thanks to those of you who stopped by the registration table last week to fill out family registration forms!
If you have not done so yet, please grab a registration form this week to fill out. ALL families (new and old) will need to complete this registration. Get your Family Registration Form here!
JK/SK Take Homes:
Help Week 1 – Parent Take Home
Help Week 2 – Parent Take Home
Help Week 3 – Parent Take Home
Help Week 4 – Parent Take Home
Grades 1-6 Take Homes:
Romans Week 1 – Parent Take Home
Romans Week 2 – Parent Take Home
Romans Week 3 – Parent Take Home
Romans Week 4 – Parent Take Home