Over the next few weeks we want to look at one word as it pertains to our faith journey – DEEPER. If we take some time to reflect, most of us would agree that it takes more than just brief thoughts and hopeful aspirations to grow in a relationship with Jesus. Jesus calls people to something bigger and better – at times more demanding, but always more rewarding.
What we’d like to get to the bottom of is the how and what:
– How do we move forward in our relationship with God?
– What can we implement in our rhythms and routines to better understand and live out the ways of Jesus?
Those are two great questions. And we will get to them soon. But first we have to ask another set of questions: How much do we want this? Who can really change me?
The scriptures reveal that the closer we get to God’s way of doing things, the closer we get to who we were created to be.
Soren Kierkegaard said, “With God’s help, I shall become myself”. His words reflect Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:39, “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will find it.”
If finding God actually helps us find us, why don’t we do more to find God? Because most of us don’t believe that change is really possible. But that’s what the gospel story is: a life changing story. John Ortberg says, “The Christian gospel insists that the transformation of the human personality is really possible. Never Easy. Rarely Quick. But Possible.”
In Luke 5:18 and John 5:6-9 we see two different individuals who approach God with humility. They come to a glaring reality, they can’t fix themselves, only God can fix them. Only God can fix us. Ruth Barton says, “I knew that whatever needed to be done in me, God would have to do it, for I was incapable of fixing myself”
We all have area’s in our life that need improving. No matter how good we think we are, we have lots of growing to do. We’re fooling ourselves if ever think that we’ve arrived – God help us. Ortberg also says, “I am still disappointed that I still love God so little and sin so much. I always had the idea as a child that adults were pretty much the people they wanted to be.”
We’re going to get into a lot more practical ways (including some spiritual disciplines) that will help us go deeper. Until then, think about these questions as it pertains to your spiritual journey. They work for any goals you may have, but for the sake of our series and your desire to know God more, apply them to our theme.
- What am I willing to give up? (sacrifice)
- How am I responsible for not growing deeper in faith? (look in the mirror)
- What discomfort will I need to push through? (it’s not easy, but worth it)
- Who is going to be in my corner? (community – we’re in this together)