The Village is Waiting for & Walking towards Christmas

During advent, each Sunday gathering will have stories, songs, candle lighting, reading, teaching, and our very popular mid-gathering coffee break.

Our kid’s program, “The Park” will be serving kids from nursery to grade 5.

For themes and locations for Sundays & the Saturday (Eve/Eve) event look below.

We hope to see you soon!

Christmas Mysteries

the wow behind some of the stories.

Sunday, December 1, 10:30am
(Robert Munsch PS)

Sunday, December 8, 10:30am
(Robert Munsch PS)

Sunday, December 15, 10:30am
(Robert Munsch PS)

Sunday, December 22, 10:30am
(Robert Munsch PS)


Monday, December 23, 6:06 – 7:07 pm
(Hebron Church)

Christmas Eve/Eve Gathering

Monday, December 23, 6:06-7:07pm
Hosted at Hebron Church
4240 Anderson St. Whitby
The Village Whitby will carry on our tradition of stories and songs, followed by an after-party for those who can stick around. Which you should, because it’s awesome 🙂

Christmas Eve/Eve Gathering

Monday, December 23, 6:06-7:07pm
Hosted at Hebron Church
4240 Anderson St. Whitby
The Village Whitby will carry on our tradition of stories and songs, followed by an after-party for those who can stick around. Which you should, because it’s awesome 🙂

Why Eve/Eve?

Well, the Christmas season is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and how his birth and his life would change the world forever. It’s also a time when we get together with our families and friends, eat (too much) together, and enjoy each other’s company.

We understand that our schedules are very busy, so, in light of that, gathering on the Eve/Eve (23rd) gives us a chance to gather and celebrate before the next Two Big Days roll around. We hope you’ll join us!

Can’t wait to see you!

This video is from last year. Note the time change! 6:06pm

Merry Christmas!

Whether we see you over the hoidays or not, we hope that you are able to enjoy this amazing time of year with the people that mean the most to you!

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