About Us
We hope that connecting with The Village will be a journey of discovery for you and us.
Together we can discover the story of Jesus and how it makes a difference in our world.

Our Values
We value discovery. May you discover God with us as we discover God with you.
We value God’s story, your story and how those two stories intersect.
We are becoming a community and we hope to serve our community.
Our Mission
Becoming a community of people who love God, love our neighbours and make our world better.
Our Vision
The Village will be a church that celebrates what God is doing in our local communities. We will strive to be a community that surprises our city with grace, surrounds it with love and fills it with hope. We want to be known, as Jesus said, by the way we love our neighbour. As we journey together towards God’s future, we hope to be better lovers of God and others. Following Jesus and living out His story (the Gospel) will make our world a better place.
What We've Been Talking About
Curious about some of our past series and conversations? Read about them in our blog.
Meet The Village Pastor
Get to know our lead pastor a little.